Bal Bharti Teacher's Training College was established in the year 2008 and is located in the heart of the city. It is situated between the National Capital Delhi and State Capital Jaipur. College is rich in its resources with a huge area of 12000 square feet. The institution believes that it there is a light whithin the way.....
- To empower through education, people who are economically and socially challenged.
- To enhence the employability of Teacher Trainees through Skills Sets designed for value addition.
- To empower through education, people who are economically and socially challenged.
- To enhence the employability of Teacher Trainees through Skills Sets designed for value addition.
Off -Campus programmes to sensitize them towards social causes.
Quality is a continues improvement of any process. In the B.Ed. programme, Internal Quality Assurance Cell operates to monitory quality of theprogramme in all varied manifestations.
- To create a separate module for value educaiton.
- To organize activities to help the student teachers to be sensitized towards Nation-building process.
- Training programmes in Sgt skills.
- To organize extension activities to familiarize student teachers with social causes like the problem of diversity problem of inculsion etc.
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Bal Bharti Teachers Training College
Mr. Narendra Kumar Modi (President)
Bal Bharti Teachers Training College ,
Scheme No.8, Gandhi Nagar
Alwar - 301001
Ph : 0144-2701534
E-mail : bbttcalwar@gmail.com |